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Feature your voice on the Mortiverse website

We want to hear your story and put it on the website!

If you like the Mortiverse…

Or you’ve already enjoyed the benefits of the #grow-together Discord channel… Or you’re excited about how valuable fun personal development will be in your future…

…then we want to hear your story and put it on the Mortiverse website!

We plan to add a testimonials section to the website, featuring the voices of our wonderful community, to show the rest of the space how this community feels about the Mortiverse 🥳

And we’ve got some allowlist spots to give away for the best answers! But act fast, there are only 48 hours to participate, so here’s how to enter:

  • Write a single tweet (not a thread) that tells the world how much the Mortiverse means to you and your personal development journey. Make sure it’s an independent tweet (and not a reply to another tweet).
  • Share it with us! Once you’ve posted it, copy the URL of the tweet and submit it to this form.
  • Winners will be announced in Discord! So be sure to join the Discord server to check if you’ve won!

We’ve already heard so many wonderful voices from both our communtiy and the wider space about how thoughtful, meaningful and powerful the Mortiverse project is for them. And we can’t wait to mobilise those voices and make the community ever-more integrated with the Mortiverse website. After all, this is a place for us all.

We can’t wait to read your tweets!


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Become a calmer, happier and more resilient person by reading comics, watching cartoons and playing games.

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